Since global warming doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, individuals, businesses and communities worldwide are aiming to build a carbon-neutral world. Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but also an important challenge that mankind, living things and natural ecosystems must face. Nations across the globe are well aware of the dangers of carbon emissions on our environment, and are seeking ways to minimize environmental impacts.

The global rise in carbon emissions is worrying, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. In 2018, UNEP reported that global carbon dioxide emissions reached a record high. WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Chief Scientist and Research Director Pavel Kabat addressed the United Nations Security Council during a session on climate-related disasters and their impacts. “Climate change has a multiple of security impacts, such as rolling back the gains in nutrition and access to food and increasing the potential for water conflict,” he said. The UN stressed that millions of people are already suffering from the effects of climate change and the risks associated with these disasters are not going away, urging people to scale up action against global warming.


Sustainability and carbon neutrality are global goals. It’s not just the United Nations that’s concerned about global warming, but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is also following close at the heels with its latest report that estimates the world’s temperature will likely increase 1.5°C in the future. What’s more, the European Union aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Sustainability shouldn’t just be a slogan. It is an action that should be taken to protect our beautiful home.

Moving towards sustainability

Carbon neutrality plays a key part on the road to sustainability and industries worldwide are working to going carbon neutral. By balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal, we can achieve net zero carbon. Since embarking on our green journey in 2006, we incorporated GHG emissions inventories in 2009, obtained the world’s first carbon neutral validation for shampoos and signed a voluntary agreement to cut packaging, thereby becoming one of the first companies in Taiwan to launch the pledge.

On our road to sustainability, our zero-carbon green practices have never wavered in our products, raw materials, manufacturing, logistics, certificates and accolades and CSR activities. In 2018, we brought sustainability to the next level by successfully joining RE100 along with Facebook and Google and vowed to become the first company in Taiwan to make a commitment to 100% renewable electricity by 2025. The same year, we were validated by SGS for carbon neutrality as a corporate organization and for nine of our products and introduced the world’s first renewable plastic pump. Over the years, we have achieved many milestones, including setting green standards to use naturally-sourced ingredients, developing the Caffeine Botanical Scalp Revitalizer made from coffee husks and creating the innovative Tree in the Bottle Shampoo with coffee grounds, demonstrating our longstanding commitment and efforts to achieve our goal of a zero carbon, sustainable future.


Sustainability in everyday life

Our sustainable practices and carbon reduction achievements have been recognized by a handful of international sustainability awards such as the Green World Awards and Sustainable Beauty Awards. That’s not all; we adopt a low-carbon standard for our product raw materials, delivery and energy-saving facilities, rely on solar and wind power and follow a green logistics system. Lush greenery on the premises of O’right Green Headquarters not only enhances the natural environment but also mitigates climate change. In addition, 100% of rainwater is recycled and reclaimed for daily water consumption, air-conditioning, irrigation, and other purposes. At the Green Headquarters, not one drop of precious water is wasted and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced to a minimum.


To make earth better, we remain steadfastly committed to achieving zero carbon on our road towards sustainability. Every year we organize three annual CSR events, Earth Hour, Coastal Cleanup and Plant a Tree. What’s more, we have reduced 1,427,120kg of carbon emissions since 2012, which is equal to planting 129,738 20-year-old trees. We turn green thinking into limitless possibilities and make a green impact in order to move closer towards a sustainable lifestyle and a better home for future generations.