Greenhouse effects? Too serious. Climate change? Too complicated. To be green doesn’t mean learning those jargons. You can take care of the earth in your own way – and easily.

Lead an ecofriendly life is good for you and the earth

Environmental protection used to be a movement for certain organizations, and environmental problems the responsibility of the government. As environmental issues gradually catch global attention, related news and reports are becoming more and more common in papers and magazines as well as on TV and the internet.

As people are more concerned about what to eat, what to wear and which building to live in, schools allowing kids to grow food and the idea of eco tour are becoming more and more popular. Leading a green life means to live as ecofriendly as one can. It is also one of the best ways to love the earth.
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It is easy to be green

If you think that to be green means leading an ascetic life and only the people with willpower can make it possible, then you surely misunderstand its meaning. In fact, to be a modern“greenist”you only need to cherish all resources while enjoying life. Just pay close attention to each detail in daily life and green it as much as you can. You will find out that it is pretty easy to be green!
Like to do exercise? Take a walk or ride a bicycle as often as you can.

Love shopping? Carry eco bags with you and buy only ecofriendly products.

Taking public transportation or going to restaurants which serve fresh local food are also good for the earth.

Actually, you can always find a way to do something for the environment!

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Tips for a green life

Small actions can create great impacts. If all people follow green practices, the world will be more beautiful. This is what you can do to green up your life:

  • Switch off electricity and plug off when not in use
  • Use independent switches to reduce standby  power consumption
  • Use and reuse water wisely
  • Take reusable tableware, cups and cutlery with you when going out
  • Walk, ride a bicycle and climb stairs or take public transportation
  • Choose ecofriendly products to reduce environmental impacts
  • Take eco shopping bags with you to reduce the use of plastic bags
  • Eat all you need instead of all you can
  • Choose appliances with energy-saving or watersaving certifications
  • Practice garbage separation and recycling


  • Keep the room well-ventilated to reduce the need for air-conditioning
  • Set the temperature higher than 26℃ with an air conditioner on
  • Eat fresh local food to reduce food miles
  • Use LED lamps and energy-saving lightings
  • Donate excessive home stuffs to the needy
  • Grow plants to purify air and make your home more beautiful
  • Support environmental initiatives with your families and friends

O’right Good Read – Green Is a Way of Life in Europe

Europeans are known to be very interested in green lifestyles. They care more about the land and life than economic growth.

Influenced by European lifestyle, 28 Chinese authors living in 12 European countries share their life there and demonstrate European’s ecofriendly concepts and behaviors in this book. The book consists of 3 sections: environmental consciousness, green environment and healthy living. As an environmental publishing with concrete information and rich variety, this book draws a picture of a harmonious relationship between the heaven, the earth and humans.

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